Saturday, November 19, 2011


The fact of the matter is: Khloe Kardashian is not a Kardashian. Yes, I started a blog to say this. It has been burning a hole in my fucking soul. I have sat idly by while you idiots have believed this for TOO LONG. The straw that broke the camel's back was this:
Apparently Kris Jenner felt that her family was not getting enough publicity with Kim's fake marriage and subsequent divorce so she published a tell all book about herself. In it she describes the affair that ended her marriage with Rob Kardashian. "His name was Ryan and he was a producer," she writes. "We had wild sex everywhere, all the time."

Why don't you tell us your dead husband had a small penis while you're at it? Jesus Christ. And you totally just told us who Khloe's real dad is.
If anyone knows a producer that looks like this contact me immediately.

Need more evidence? Well here ya go.
She's huge.  And look at this:
That's a red headed step child if ever I've seen one. Meanwhile old Kardashian family photos are priceless. More in the next post!

X Melissa

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