Tuesday, November 22, 2011


That boring bitch Gaga needs to pull her balls out of her ass and stop pretending like she's some kind of Messiah to the creatives. I can't see a glimpse of that train wreck without catching a case of the yawns. You employ an entire team of hoes to make you look interesting and the best you can come up with is a bad Ralph Macchio impersonation?
I love that her real first name is Stefani. STEFANI! I have never met a Stefani/Stephanie/Stephany- (however you want to try to make your name more interesting) that wasn't a complete waste of air and water.

Stefani wasn't Born This Way

BEHOLD! Your Mother Monster is just chubby Stefani who lets little Billy from up the block finger her hoo ha and her no no after school. I saw 8 goobers just like this chick browsing the always chic and cheap Forever 21, yesterday.
2 sips of the kool aid and 
The most interesting woman in the world!
Hello Gorgeous!
The only thing this bitch is teaching our youth is that you should be anything BUT yourself. Whoever transformed this melted wax baby doll with pull-the-string and out comes another contrived sentence deserves the Ripleys Believe it or Not award of the decade.
Lady Stefani of the Yawns, you weren't born this way, you were sent here to steal from the gays and make my eyeballs wanna run away from my face every time I have to suffer through another mouth shart like this: “live your eyeliner, breathe your lipstick, and kill for each other." Someone take out this baby dolls battery pack, please.

X Mike                                                           

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